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6 Creative Ways to Motivate Your Employees

Reward your employees’ hard work with fun prizes

Many companies have an employee of the month reward system, but why not go one step further and use a gamification platform to motivate all your employees to work hard? Everyone loves to play games, so encouraging your employees to reach their goals through play is sure to be a hit. Employees can compete – in a friendly manner – against their colleagues and view their progress on a leaderboard. At the end of the month, or another time period of your choosing, you can all celebrate the winner together and reward them with a prize.

Let them take generous breaks

Regular breaks are likely to increase, rather than decrease, productivity. Your employees don’t need to take three-hour breaks but encourage them to get up and walk around for ten minutes here and there. You might even like to create a designated break room stocked with snacks and games – your employees will feel appreciated and motivated to give back to the company.

6 Creative Ways to Motivate Your Employees

Treat them to a meal

Eating together is always fun and doesn’t even have to be at the office – giving your employees a free meal is likely to make them think favourably of their place of work, and it doesn’t need to cost a fortune. Let them go for lunch together and tell them you’ll pick up the tab or give them each a gift card to a local restaurant. You might also like to put on a free breakfast once a week – who doesn’t enjoy coming to work when it involves free coffee and tasty pastries?

Take your employees for a fun team-building event

Team building can be a great way to renew your employees’ enthusiasm for their jobs – but look beyond trust falls and marshmallow towers - your employees deserve something a little more interesting. Why not let them try an escape room, where they have to work together to find a way out? Or perhaps you’d like to hire an interesting venue and host your own team-building day full of fun activities – scavenger hunts and art-related activities can be a rewarding break from a usual days’ work.

Let your employees make big decisions

While you won’t be able to give your employees full reign of your company, you can ensure that they feel like their voices are heard. At your next meeting, ask your employees what they’d implement if they were the CEO – tell them there are no stupid ideas, and make sure you listen to what they have to say. You may even like to have the team vote for their favourite ideas and reward the winning employee with a small prize. If you don’t think that your employees will be comfortable publicly sharing their thoughts with their colleagues, implement an anonymous suggestion box and seriously consider the suggestions that your employees give you. Employees who feel like their voices are being heard are motivated employees!

6 Creative Ways to Motivate Your Employees

Encourage flexibility

Not everyone is at their most productive during normal office hours, so why not let your employees have a bit more freedom with their schedule? They’ll be much more motivated to work hard if they can choose their own hours – as long as they’re getting everything done, it’ll only improve their morale. You might even allow them to work from home from time to time.

Motivating your employees doesn’t need to be difficult. Most employees want to work hard and enjoy their jobs, so make it easier on them by giving them plenty of opportunity to do so.

Cloe Matheson is a freelance writer from Dunedin, New Zealand who has produced articles on a broad range of topics including business, travel and lifestyle. You can find more of her work here.

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