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Gamify Your Training by Connecting With Lessonly

We are excited to announce our integration with Lessonly. Sales training software Lessonly provides relevant and engaging learning and training content for its users. SalesScreen is the first and only sales gamification platform to integrate with Lessonly with the objective of gamifying learning and driving adoption.

For example, when a sales rep completes an assignment, achieving a high score, that information is surfaced in SalesScreen and celebrated. This helps to highlight when assignments are completed, bringing awareness to the rest of the organization, and incentivizing other reps to complete their lessons.

This new Lessonly integration allows you to celebrate your star students, but it also functions as part of your coaching program, offering a focus in your one-on-one conversations with reps. Having assignments, progress, and scores readily available to discuss with reps helps to keep the conversation relevant while reinforcing the importance of sales enablement and training.


  • SalesScreen’s gamification technology will help promote the adoption of Lessonly and encourage the completion of lessons.
  • Using a high score system to celebrate lessons completed helps to bring awareness to your wider team or organization.
  • As part of the coaching session, you can show data on completed lessons and the average score each received.
  • We make lessons and training part of your reps scorecard, helping to keep it as a key focus on an ongoing basis.
  • SalesScreen incentivizes reps to become better at selling by encouraging them to take more lessons and, as a consequence, to drive more revenue.

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The Proof is in the Review: We’re Sales Gamification Leaders in G2’s Summer 2024 Report!

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