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Meet Our New Account Manager

'I am looking forward to work in a company with big potential for growth. Seeing what SalesScreen has accomplished inspires me a lot and I'm thrilled to have the opportunity to join the SalesScreen family.'

Oslo, Norway - Vidar brings an ambitious personality and friendly smile to join the SalesScreen team.

Dave: What is your work education/work background?

Vidar: I graduated from 'BI Norwegian Business School', with a Bachelor's degree in marketing. My Bachelor thesis was actually about SalesScreen.

Dave: What are some of your hobbies?

Vidar: I love to travel and explore the world. My favorite hobby is to play football (soccer for you Americans). I have played since I was 4 years old, so this is something I really love and spend a lot of time on.

Dave: Why did you choose to work for SalesScreen?

Vidar: I chose to work for SalesScreen because it is a group of awesome people working to use new technologies to make work life more fun. I have followed SalesScreen since the start, and I have been so impressed over the company's growth in such a short time. The most important thing for me is that it is a very good working environment. You feel appreciated by your colleagues and it is a place where you work hard and play hard.

Dave: What are your expectations of working here?

Vidar: My expectations of working in SalesScreen is to improve my skills within IT and software. I expect to work with ambitious people and that we will do everything to make this company continue growing. I think I will grow a lot as a person by working here. I love new challenges!

Dave: What unique qualities or skills do you bring to the table?

Vidar: I am never afraid of a new challenge, I love it! I'm fun, social, and love to talk with people. I'm also a solution-oriented person with a lot of energy. Some of my best qualities are my ability to connect with people on a personal level to help solve problems, whether in business or personal life. I want to help people achieve their goals and I'm driven by that outlook.

Dave: Have you ever worked for a startup? Are you excited about it?

Vidar: I have never worked for a startup before. I'm not sure if SalesScreen still qualifies as a startup, but I'm very excited about this new journey!

Dave: What's your favorite quote?

Vidar: 'Nothing is impossible, the impossible takes only a bit more time.'


Bio: Vidar Haaland is 26 years old and comes from Stavanger, Norway. He graduated from 'BI Norwegian Business School', with a Bachelor's in marketing. In his free time, he loves to travel, play football and spend time with his close friends and family.

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