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A great team needs a great coach

Being a sales manager isn’t easy. Trying to hit numbers, coach your teams, support key deals, and a million other daily tasks makes it next to impossible to find the time to have meaningful one on ones. But having consistent check-ins with your team is the key to success, and can be the difference between hitting your quarterly numbers or missing them completely. Our coaching programs are 100% data-driven and automated thanks to visibility into individual activities pulled directly from your CRM. All programs are also completely customizable to ensure your teams are hitting long- and short-term goals. This gives your managers more time to focus on their own goals, enables your sales reps to crush theirs, and helps your company generate more pipeline and revenue with less lift.

How effective coaching drives revenue

Put admin on autopilot

With the right data, the right plan, and the right software, extremely effective coaching takes almost no time at all. It’s about time your team took back their time! Help your sales managers coach more efficiently with automated next steps and one on one preparation with prep questions that can be answered by both the coach and employee in advance. With SalesScreen’s coaching module, your team will save time and catch potential issues well in advance, helping your sales reps hit their goals, get their bonuses, and drive your revenue to new heights.

Invest where it matters

It's proven that investing in your employees’ career growth is vital to reducing turnover, which can cost a company not just money, but even more valuable - time. On average, a new sales rep takes over 12 months to get fully ramped and will need drastically more help and coaching than an established rep. Coaching allows you to create programs that not only automate the process but also gives you insight into areas that might need more focus, and makes it easier to highlight players for promotions.

Nothing but the facts

Since our coaching programs pull in real-time data logged by your teams, it makes it easy to identify where players are falling behind(without bruising egos), pull in individual scorecards to highlight areas of success, and give a neutral foundation to discuss performance. Making everything transparent and on a level playing field puts the power in your sales reps’ hands to thrive and advance in their careers.

Coach your team to success

Your greatest asset is your people and investing in their success is investing in your business. Consistent coaching and mentorship gives employees a sense of belonging, inspires a personal connection to larger business goals, and motivates them to excel above and beyond their benchmarks. Do you want your team to go the extra mile? Show them how they can get there and set the field up for success!

No team wins championships without great coaching.

Create a world-class revenue dynasty by equipping your sales leaders with a comprehensive coaching platform, which provides real-time data that accelerates individual performance and team-wide success.

Reviewed Favorably By Industry Experts

Leader - Summer
Momentum - Summer
Implementable - Summer

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