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Breaking Down SalesScreen's 2022 WOW Effect Research

As gamification experts, we facilitate a lot of competitions, and every year we analyze the success of competitions across all our clients, in every industry. We call it the WOW Effect, WOW standing for Week over Week, and also “WOW those are impressive competition results that can only be achieved through SalesScreen incredibly easy to use and even more fun to play competition module!”

We’re kidding…kind of.

Thousands of competitions are run in SalesScreen every year and while we believe that it is a testament to how easy we make it, we also know that gamifying everyday sales activities yield big results and even bigger insights into how to make your team even more successful.

For instance, after analyzing over 13k competitions, we saw that 64% of competitions run lead to an increase of the KPI being competed on and that KPI measured increases an average of 41%. Another interesting insight? Custom teams see a higher average change and success rate than pre-defined teams during competitions. So don’t be scared to mix up your teams going into a competition, you might even find even more impressive results!

If you want to learn even more tips and tricks to help level up your sales competitions, download our study!

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The Proof is in the Review: We’re Sales Gamification Leaders in G2’s Summer 2024 Report!

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Our Holiday Gift to You..a new Rewards Shop!

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Leader - Summer
Momentum - Summer
Implementable - Summer

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