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How to Turn Your Sales Blitz Into a Competitive Marathon

The sales blitz is proven to help sales teams keep motivated through competitive camaraderie on the sales floor but maintaining the same interpersonal dynamics on a digital sales floor can be a hurdle for team engagement. But remote working isn't slowing down, a recent McKinsey & Co. study found that nearly 50 percent of US executives who have never worked from home, now plan to do so more frequently. This has left many CROs trying to keep up that pace, making engagement a top priority and transforming how they measure performance.

What can sales leaders do to turn a remote blitz into a marathon of engagement?

Look no further than the world’s toughest endurance races. Whether it’s the 24 Hours of Le Mans, an Ironman Triathlon or the Tour de France, these grueling demonstrations of performance and willpower provide unique inspiration for modern sales leaders. Each competition relies on a gritty team bond that enables them to push the limit of every detail within their process, execution and measurement. Sales leaders can build the same level of performance-based competition to speed up productivity and motivate sellers with the long-lasting pride of winning.

Here are 3 takeaways from endurance challenges that will boost team engagement and power competitions long through the finish line:

How to Turn Your Sales Blitz Into a Competitive Marathon

The drive for competition isn’t about participation, it’s about team pride. Tom Kristenson is a 9-time champion of 24 Hours of Le Mans, a grueling day-long race in France and the ultimate test of a car’s efficiency between speed and reliability. When asked what keep him motivated, his response was: “Le Mans is such a great race because you can never do anything alone. You have to work as a team member. And being a team member makes you a better person.” Sales leaders can evoke this level of passion during their next sales competition by demonstrating that it’s not about crossing the finish line, it’s about creating a long-term attitude towards teamwide success.

Competitions allow sales executives to empower their team with intensely spirited challenges that focus on achieving company-wide goals and metrics or encourage individuals to push each other with head-to-head Battles. SalesScreen’s platform creates a unified engagement that keeps the team motivated and accountable throughout the entire event. Plus, the ability to add layers of personalization to a sales blitz boosts excitement across the organization.

How to Turn Your Sales Blitz Into a Competitive Marathon

Family, friends and supporters dominate the leaderboard. No other sport highlights the performance-boosting effect that encouragement has on an athlete more than competing in Triathlons, Spartan Races and the Tour De France. These competitions are as much between the athletes as it is between the loyalty of non-competing supporters. Their team of loyal family, friends trainers and competition will cheer them along with every physical step and provide inspiration with every social post — from preparation to photo-finish.

Leaderboards help sales organizations activate similar camaraderie and competitive kinship by highlighting top performers in real time and providing transparency for others to strive for. With a SalesScreen connected TV and its mobile app, sales leaders can easily extend any competition into a remote work environment to help build company culture and bring attention to every major achievement—around the clock and across the globe!

How to Turn Your Sales Blitz Into a Competitive Marathon

KPI-driven sales technology is the ultimate fuel for performance. It’s no surprise that many of the most groundbreaking automotive innovations have originated from Formula One. That’s because both teams and drivers use incredibly advanced technology and data to perfect every millisecond of performance they get out of their car. The key to success isn’t just the car’s speed though, it’s the speed of optimizations and development cycles for key parts—whether in the factory or on the track. Similarly, sales teams aligned on goals and KPIs, with complete transparency and visibility, have the best setup for a hot lap around the Outbound Grand Prix.

Visualization puts the power visual data onto every employee’s dashboard—whether in-office or remote—providing them every opportunity to optimize their sales blitz tactics in real time and discover universal best practices that boost performance for the whole team. Sales leaders can then rapidly customize goals, better understand results and predict outcomes. The result? Based on a 2019 study of SalesScreen’s 6,000+ client campaigns, there’s an average of 58 percent uplift in performance across key KPIs like meetings, calls, offers and closed deals.

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