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SalesScreen 2019 in Review

This year has been a big one for us at SalesScreen. We grew significantly in many ways and faced some inevitable challenges of transitioning from a start-up to a scale-up. At our recent, annual Christmas gathering, we reflected together on the year–what did we do well? What can we do better next year? What are our company, team and individual goals for 2020? As we move forward as a company, we will continue to reflect on these questions and strive to make every year better than the last. So, here’s to an awesome 2020!

2019 by the numbers

We are a data-driven company, so naturally, we wanted to share some interesting SalesScreen numbers from this past year.

  • 160,000 activity updates

  • 12,850,000 activities created

  • 9,500 competitions created

  • 3,300 new rewards created

  • 4,400 rewards requested

  • 5,750 battles created

  • 680,000 events triggered

  • 3,300,000 requests per day to the server

  • 5 countries with SalesScreen offices

  • 15 new hires (+5 in January 2020)

  • 3 new offices (NYC, Singapore, Stockholm)

  • 5 babies born

  • 6 office dogs

SalesScreen 2019 in Review


  • SalesScreen Talent of the Year: Emilie Sørgård Anderssen - HR Manager \t* This new hire made a big splash during their first year at SalesScreen, and their efforts brought on positive change. Emilie's efforts to help us improve our hiring process and structure our employee interactions has made a big impact on company culture and reduced onboarding time of new employees significantly.
  • SalesScreen Brave of the Year: Vidar Haaland - Regional Director Singapore \t* This employee fearlessly took on a challenging project with positivity and ambition. Vidar fearlessly traveled to Singapore to open up our new office there... alone! As a result, APAC leads are booming!
  • SalesScreen Dedicated of the Year: Øystein Heimark - CTO \t* This employee is the real deal, and has shown loyalty and dedication over a long time at SalesScreen. Oystein is probably the person in the company who sleeps the least. He is constantly working to improve our product, security and processes.
  • SalesScreen Playful of the Year: Remi Morken - CCO \t* This employee sparks joy in the office and makes their co-workers smile again and again. Remi's smile and laughter brighten the room wherever he goes and his energy pours into closing sales deals as well. # DoubleWin!
  • SalesScreen Hero of the Year: Kim Jakobsson - Sales Manager \t* This employee shined brighter than most this year and excelled in their position. Kim has by far been the closer of the year, crushing MRR goals and bringing in tons of happy new customers. Way to go Kim, employee of the year!!!

Our latest blog posts

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The Proof is in the Review: We’re Sales Gamification Leaders in G2’s Summer 2024 Report!

The Proof is in the Review: We’re Sales Gamification Leaders in G2’s Summer 2024 Report!

December 19, 2019

How a Sales Incentive Program Engages Sales Reps to Succeed

How a Sales Incentive Program Engages Sales Reps to Succeed

December 19, 2019

We're on a Winning Streak: Ranked #1 Sales Gamification Software by G2

We're on a Winning Streak: Ranked #1 Sales Gamification Software by G2

December 19, 2019

2023: A Year in Review

2023: A Year in Review

December 19, 2019

SalesScreen Ranked #1 Sales Gamification Software by G2

SalesScreen Ranked #1 Sales Gamification Software by G2

December 19, 2019

Our Holiday Gift to You..a new Reward Shop!

Our Holiday Gift to You..a new Rewards Shop!

December 19, 2019

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Leader - Summer
Momentum - Summer
Implementable - Summer

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