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Time to Invest in People Tech 🚀🌝

Your next investment should be in people technology! There is a lot of buzz around artificial intelligence and machine learning these days. From automating chat with customers and prospects to finding data gold in conversations, we all want to become lean, efficient, and dynamic.

However, unless you are an e-commerce business, people still buy from people.

And I want to let you in on a secret:

If your people are engaged, motivated, and happy when selling, they will sell more.

How much more? Let’s take a look at some stats from customers that have introduced SalesScreen, the human acceleration platform for revenue teams.

Our team did a major analysis on the SalesScreen Effect of our customers’ data to look at the impact COVID-19 had on the numbers. We discovered that customers of SalesScreen saw a 29.8% average increase of overall activity on KPIs in the first 6 months using the platform.

This is a huge increase. And one that represents is a massive opportunity to boost both top-and bottom-line revenue when implementing technology that aims to unlock the next-level performance of revenue people.

Have you ever been on a vibrant sales floor full of energy and hungry bulls looking for their next win? That atmosphere—salespeople on calls, in meetings, making sales, and closing—is what we create and amplify for teams working from home or spread across multiple locations. And with our ‘SalesScreen Effect’ analysis, we have uncovered just how valuable this can be for sales leaders.

When considering your next investment to accelerate sales, think about your funnel and the activities that drive your closed-won. Let’s say you have multiple departments involved in creating and closing a deal, but when boiled down to the essence, it comes down to a (simplified) funnel like this:

Call > Connect > Discovery completed > Sales Accepted Lead > First-Time Meeting > Evaluation/Negotiation/Offer Sent > Closed Won

There are likely other steps between this, and the whole process might take months. However, for any closed-won, you will need a certain amount of offers sent, meetings held, discos completed and connects with your prospects.

Let’s say you have the most amazing tech stack allowing maximum efficiency in every step, great sales methodologies, and continuous coaching taking place. In other words, the overall quality delivered in each step is phenomenal, and the skills are high. What then do you need to get your existing team to deliver better results?

I would argue enthusiasm, drive, motivation, and pure activity. Increase the number of calls taking place, while making sure that the quality remains high, and you've got yourself a next-level revenue team.

Let’s say, you don’t have all this dialed-in to perfection. I would still argue that it will bring a significant performance increase, as the SalesScreen Effect numbers show. This is why, regardless of how far you are in your dream setup, investing in people tech first makes sense. 

Skills and consistent coaching are needed to secure high conversion rates, technology can help make sure that the dials we make are to the right people at the right time.

Ultimately you will rely on people selling to people, and people picking up the phone to do the hard and highly repetitive work that every sales cycle needs.

In a period where most of us are at home and are not able to connect with colleagues and feel the vibrant atmosphere of the sales floor, it is more urgent than ever to invest in technology that speaks to the human side of your revenue team.

Make your revenue team feel recognized, celebrated, spark their competitive spirit and release their inherent potential!

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