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Why SalesScreen is an Effective Sales Management Tool for Call Centers

In our earlier blogs, we addressed how sales gamification is influencing call centers and solving call center pain points with sales gamification. Now, we wanted to provide a bit more insight into how our solution can help your organization exceed your sales goals, by digging a little deeper into some of the key concepts mentioned earlier.


In order for data to be valuable, it needs to be easy to visualize and understand for everyone. You need to be able to draw connections between your operations and the results of that work to fully understand how to better your organization. If you are using outdated resources, it will be nearly impossible to do this due to the nature of today’s fast-paced information stream. To be successful, you need to see live information and make data-driven decisions.

Data visualization allows you to do make necessary adjustments quickly because you can see how your active operations drive change rather than waiting on the reports to come in. SalesScreen allows you to combine that real-time data with insight to finally understand WHY sales are lagging — for example, maybe another call center started running a big promotion or your sales reps are spending too much time trying to turn a “no” into a “yes”, and you may want to design a strategy to tackle these new challenges as quickly as possible.

In SalesScreen, you can create dashboards of your most important data, stream KPI information to TVs, use leaderboards to show top performers and always ensure you are staying updated with push notifications and mobile data on our app for iOS and Android. The more you can make your data intuitive and transparent, the easier it is for your teams to crush their targets.


“Organizations that give regular recognition experience 31% lower voluntary turnover” – OfficeVibe

When everyone is busy at work, achievements that deserve a celebration can easily be overlooked, leaving employees feeling unappreciated and disengaged. Pop-ups on TV screens are a fun way to recognize accomplishments and celebrate milestones together.

With SalesScreen, celebrations (along with a personal soundtrack) are broadcast in real-time on TV screens across your offices, allowing the whole team to work as one–and people to be properly acknowledged for a job well done. The customization aspect of SalesScreen celebrations makes it more than just a standard recognition program and adds priceless value for employees. If you want to blast “All I Do is Win” when you make a big sale, go for it!

In addition, you can pop champagne, land a rocket on the moon or cash out on the slot machine as just a few of the ways SalesScreen celebrates your biggest notifications. While all of your sales reports will show on TV, some deserve a little extra recognition. Milestone Event celebrations are SalesScreen’s way of providing that extra congratulations for the completion of key sales tasks. In addition, they come with customizable badges that will be added to user profiles, letting everyone earn bragging rights and show off their collection.

For some added fun, you can even celebrate with a YouTube video of your choice. Check out our monthly top 5 for some inspiration.


There’s good reason why you see leaderboards in everything from sports to education to business–they’re fun, easy to interpret information from and they inspire higher performance.

People are naturally competitive, so seeing where they rank in comparison to their co-workers and peers is an effective motivational tool to inspire personal and professional improvement. And with lack of motivation being one of the major pain points in the call center industry, leaderboards are a fitting solution.


  • Greater motivation
  • Increased transparency
  • Higher employee engagement
  • Better grasp on key metrics

SalesScreen lets you decide how you want to visualize your data and what leaderboards to highlight on dashboards and screens. For example, maybe you want a leaderboard showing top sales for your callers and another showing the best performing team. Depending on what’s most important to your organization, you can adjust leaderboards and visualization accordingly.

We put our own unique twist on leaderboards and let you display what you want, how you want with a nearly endless list of slides and customizations to choose from. One of our most popular features with our customers.

Check out our free eBook on leaderboards and company culture.

Why SalesScreen is an Effective Sales Management Tool for Call Centers


Running competitions is a fun way to increase activity, performance and ultimately profits. It’s a great way to give incentives and make daily work tasks more exciting and engaging for your employees. And you don’t have to have huge prizes in order to motivate your salespeople; they simply enjoy the thrill of the chase and the recognition from performing. Individual competitions are a great way to drive behavior on a desired goal and team competitions are a great way to boost collaboration, coaching and team spirit.

As we all know, competitions aren’t much fun if the same people are always winning. So, we implement randomness and chance into many of our sales contest modules in order to spice things up a bit.

For example, rather than always rewarding the person who sells the most, you can issue lottery tickets based on percentage of value sold, and then hold a random drawing at your Friday meeting. Or, you can “roll the dice” to double or triple your report score. You can even have time-based competitions where the person who hold the trophy the longest is the winner. No matter what your goals, we have tons of way to ensure that you are motivating not just the top 10%, but the entire sales department.

SalesScreen offers a variety of customizable competition templates that are sure to keep things interesting for your staff. When creating a new competition, here are some best practices to follow.


  • Track a variety of metrics
  • Offer different prizes
  • Run individual and team competitions
  • Themes!
  • Get employee feedback

In addition to competitions, in SalesScreen you can challenge your colleagues 1-on-1 with battle mode. You can choose the type of activity that you want to compete on, which product (or all), set a goal and quickly send the invite on both web and mobile app. Raise the stakes as much as you want and see who buys lunch or beer on Friday. Create any bet you want, or none at all.

How you use this fun social feature is completely up to you. But be warned, when the competition ends, the winner and loser will be broadcast on TV’s all across your offices (if you choose)!

For some contest inspiration, check out this blog.


SalesScreen is a powerful sales tool to help you drive performance on key metrics. We want to help you build stronger culture, happier teams and more productive workplaces. Gamification is a brilliant way to make dull and boring everyday tasks, such as data entry or cold calling, a whole lot more fun. As a result, you’ll have more motivated employees, lower turnover, more celebrations and happier customers.

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